digital healthcare practices

Tend to More Patients with Zero Compromises in Efficacy, with SoftClinic HMS

December 22, 2020

With an initiative to digitize healthcare practices across the globe, SoftClinic has designed the best hospital management software to streamline tasks right from the start.

The integrated information system by SoftClinic aids in simplifying financial, clinical, and administrative work, thereby reducing service delays.

In the wake of the Covid-19 pandemic, the need for patient safety compliance and smarter workload management has become apparent. Hospitals and clinics can no longer afford to rely on legacy systems that aren’t geared to tackle the shift in healthcare delivery.

Delay in proving up-to-date information by the Hospital staff can be reduced to a great extent. The hospital software is an all-in-one solution for inventory, pharmacy, OPD, radiology, laboratory, and all other wards where patient and information flow is highly prioritized. 

Adopt Paperless Practices with SoftClinic Hospital Management Software

The idea of digitizing Healthcare information first emerged in the year 1972 when hospitals observed the occurrence of frequent errors in clinical data management.

The cost of digital Health Care practices was too high and systems used to modernize information were inconvenient and took time to flourish. A study conducted by Health IT states how electronic health record adoption has doubled since 2008.

SoftClinic was launched in 2010 by JVS Group, the brand that’s known for making smart healthcare IT software. SoftClinic has an easy-to-use module for OPD and IPD. In addition to that, it has a built-in backup, SMS facility, reporting module, a test and investigation module catering to patient protection, the safety of data collection, data servicing, and delivery. The benefits include:

1. Digital Reporting Module 

With Healthcare information, confidentiality is of priority. Paper-based records are difficult to store and for confidential information on paper to be lost or misplaced is easy. It may then end up in the hands of someone who is not supposed to be privy to it.

Patient records transferred through email are considered unsupervised. In case of a wrong address, it may land up into somebody else’s account and expose a serious concern.

10 years ago, the use of paper was considered normal and the rate of depletion of trees did not account for much of a concern. Today, the effects of environmental degradation have led to the digitization process even more.

Potential patients get the benefit of accessing details and also prefer medical practice taking initiatives to reduce the carbon footprint.

2. Patient Registration and Demographics

Patient records were difficult to obtain in the past. Several hoops, mediums, and thousands of contacts leading to delayed data service. Patient portals with an integrated system software have made it virtually possible for people to access records and eliminate the risk of a delay. With SoftClinic’s software, staff can conduct detailed demographic and clinical data analysis.

3. Accounting Module

Hospital accounting and billing is one aspect that requires digitization and stringent record-keeping. SoftClinic’s accounting module comes with the key elements such as receipts, voucher entries, and 3C register, that allow hospitals to integrate billing inside their management cockpit.

It reduces manual intervention for obtaining structured accounting details and makes daily accounting needs highly streamlined. 

4. Digital Queue Management

Managing patient gatherings inside the hospital premises has become a safety concern after the spread of Covid-19. SoftClinic’s digital queue management system helps the patients to maintain proper social distancing by guiding their movement in the hospital.

Patients follow a chronological workflow for visits, and meeting their assigned doctors. This not only prevents harmful indoor crowding but also increases the hospital’s capacity to process patients successfully. Hence, it becomes a business enabler, while warding off infection risks.

SoftClinic Healthcare management System Incorporates Real-time Communication

Information transactions in healthcare are mostly accounted for by the communication space. Real-time analytics, Artificial Intelligence, and integration of both working more autonomously can improve the quality of patient care, satisfaction levels and also lead to cost control.

The quality of enterprise operational intelligence is a valuable contributor to a smart hospital environment. The benefits of real-time healthcare include:

  • Real-time communication exchange calls for a proactive mode of working.
  • Timely communication induces collaborative patient care.
  • Smart work system with integrated peripherals such as barcode scanners, IRS, and smart card use
  • The appointment scheduling module of SoftClinic can be used to inform patients of the exact date and time and reduce wait time.
  • Facilitation of timely decision making, leading to an elevated quality of patient care and increased patient satisfaction.
  • Uptime reliability reducing downtime
  • The clinic management software “SoftClinic” is a multiuser innovation compatible with LAN
  • Alert on existing health conditions
  • Most importantly, data-driven healthcare practice leverages the importance of quality data, minimizes fluff, almost eliminating information not regarded as important.

Catering to Specialties

Specialty wards and clinics have typical data management requirements that are hard to fulfill via generic software design. Hence, SoftClinic hospital management system offers support for specialty centres with interface design that suits them the most. Some of the specialties are;

  • Cardiology
  • Gynecology
  • Ophthalmology
  • Neurology
  • Orthopedic
  • ENT


Effective communication is the distance between life and death.

To transform into digital emergency care, with automatic inventory management, timely alert on patient history and updates, eliminating duplicate data entry, the use of hospital management software can be a powerful platform that captures a smart healthcare ecosystem. Also, healthcare software can make the work of emergency responders safer.